
Early Reading on Light Table

Here is a look at some of the fun early reading activities we have been doing with our sand tray on the light table.
Writing short-vowel words for her to sound out.  We also practice spelling simple words.

Writing short sentences or phrases that include sight words or easy to sound out words.

Right now she is really enjoying learning how to spell animal names.

I choose an animal and write the name in the sand.  Then she sounds it out.

After she has read the word she draws a picture of the animal in the sand.

Practicing word families

Practicing blends

Practicing sight words
I love using the sand tray on the light table because it allows my daughter to be more active during her reading lessons.  I love hands-on reading activities because it is not practical to expect a young child to learn by only sitting at a table and completing workbooks. 
That being said we do spend time sitting at a table working on lessons during the day but I add a lot of activities and breaks in between the sitting/workbook work.  We only sit and do workbook lessons when she wants too.  I do not force her to sit at the table and complete a set amount of work.  When she is done we are done.  That means some days we do no sit down work and other days we might spend a few hours through out the day working at the table. 
My goal this year has been to teach her to love learning and find joy in it.  I am slowly trying to acclimate her to the idea of sitting and doing quite work for short periods of time just to prepare her for school in a few months (we will be homeschooling so I can still build in a lot of hands-on work but she will be expected to sit still for longer periods once "school" starts).

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