
Nature and Science Museum

The Nature and Science Museum in Denver is a lot of fun even for the little ones.  There are hands-on learning boards in almost every section.  The Space Odyssey exhibit is my daughters favorite because of all the interactive areas.  Another big hit exhibit is the kid's area where they can explore magnets, wind, and magnification.  They can also do puzzles, build with large soft blocks, use paint brushes to unearth dinosaur bones, and listen to story time. 

The museum also has a large dinosaur exhibit (FYI- It is difficult to do this exhibit with a stroller so I recommend leaving your stroller in the stroller parking area outside the exhibit doors).  This exhibit has a lot to offer older children but fewer hands-on things for the little ones.  However, this is still one of my daughter's favorite exhibits because really what kid doesn't find dinosaurs fascinating?

We recently bought a membership because my daughter asks to go here all the time.  With the membership we are able to get discount tickets for the Imax shows and the Planetarium which we usually skipped because of the prices.

Here are just some random pictures we have taken during our visits.

Here is a link to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science-

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